
Posts Tagged ‘Election’

The extreme left-wing blog Thinkprogress resurrects the failed 2004 John Kerry campaign strategy in the President is indeed behaving like Herbert Hoover. Are they as wrong now as they were then? Lets look a look at how the extreme left-wing flock responds in the comments section:

#5 christopher wiwi Says:
March 16th, 2008 at 11:25 am

High unemploment,inflation,the dollar at or near all time lows and a WAR that is taking this country into a downward spiral and he does nothing.He must drink himself to sleep every night so he can fantasize about a WAR he can never win.

Lets take a look at each of the claims.

High unemployment? Unemployment was 4.8% in February. In the 1930’s, unemployment was over 25%.

High inflation? US Inflation Dwindles to 0%.

The dollar at 1995 levels vs. the Japanese Yen. Whoa. Dollar vs. Yen back to Clinton levels.

In Iraq, the surge is working.

And in the 1930’s, the nation was in a trade war (Smoot-Hawley). Which party wants to eliminate NAFTA and create a trade war all over again?

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Ready for a John Zogby poll? That’s right, time to take a snapshot of the three-party race between John McCain, Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama, and Ralph Nader. (h/t to Undernews).

The introduction of long-time activist Ralph Nader into the mix is having an effect on the race, as he wins enough support to make a difference, the poll shows. . . In the McCain-Clinton-Nader match-up, McCain leads mainly because of a significant advantage among independents. Among those voters, he wins support from 45%, compared to 28% for Clinton and 15% for Nader. McCain wins 79% support from Republicans, while Clinton wins 75% support from Democrats. […]

In the McCain-Obama-Nader match-up, the independent candidate is having the same effect. Nader wins 15% support among political independents nationwide. Ideologically, Nader wins 18% support among progressives, and 12% among libertarians. He does less well among mainline conservatives and liberals compared to the match-up including Clinton.

Read it!

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